What was life and work like before coaching? Can you describe to me your situation when we first met?
I’d had my first child and I’d been working in the television industry as a freelance producer for around 14 years which I’ve loved, but change was in the air. Due to becoming a new mother, relocating to a new place and with a crisis in the industry I was in I started to think of what else I could do. Sounded easy in my head but quite quickly turned into something very overwhelming. I started to chat to my health visitor about where I was in my life and she persuaded me to start looking into a coach. It's never something that I’d thought about before and it was a bit daunting but I began to investigate and found Amy. Right from the first chat we had I really felt a connection and knew I’d found the coach I was looking for in her.
What did you get out of coaching?
Before coaching I was writing down on scrap pieces of paper or on my notes on my mobile about what I could do with my skills. It was a lot to take in but Amy took me step by step to really reflect on what I’ve done in the past, who I am and where I want to go. I think having someone help unpick my thoughts about career and also my life has really been such an interesting project for myself. I’ve discovered a lot more about what enjoy!
What are your results of coaching ? What are you doing now and how do you find it?
I have just finished the programme and I am starting a transition into therapy now, aiming to gain qualifications to learn more about this area and eventually start my own business. I have a plan! Before Amy I wouldn’t have ever thought about having my own business but I know I can do it. The funny thing is, this want to help others has always been there inside me, but thanks to the programme, I’m only just realising that I can explore this now. I have really enjoyed looking into the fine details of myself and my skills. It's made me more confident in what I want to do. I am definitely still on a journey but I’ve learnt that that's a good thing and I’m trusting the process!
Is there any advice you would give to someone who relates to your story?
I think what I’ve learnt from this self project is to invest in yourself. I needed help at a time where I was feeling lost and overwhelmed and to have someone to talk it through with me systematically has been life changing. I’m so pleased to have worked with Amy on this ‘me’ project. I feel like I’ve found myself and i'm clear on my career direction.
What are your hopes for the future?
I’m excited to learn more, gain more knowledge and start my journey into Therapy and Welfare. I will have my business and I can be flexible with the time I give to my career whilst also enjoying the work/life balance with my family. I am so excited for the challenges and work I have ahead of me!
